COTSWOLD WAY RELAY – RULES updated to 2025
- This event is insured for public liability by virtue of Team Bath AC, the organising Club, being affiliated with UK Athletics, and the race being registered with the Trail Running Association and following their guidelines. The up-to-date certificate plus full details of coverage can be found on the website under the tab Governance (link)
- A full risk analysis (link)has been undertaken which will continue to be updated towards race day. The organisers will use this to mitigate the hazard associated with a trail race through open countryside and roads. Some responsibility falls on participating clubs and individuals to follow advisory and mandatory guidance and also provide volunteers on the day of the event.
- In the event of an incident or an accident the organizers will complete a UK Athletics accident and incident form.
- Witnesses or helpers at the time of an incident should collect the following information for the race organisers: Date and time; description of incident with photos if possible; name, address and contact details of victim; nature of any injuries; details of any first aid of later treatment; names of those giving treatment and details of the reporting person.
- In the event of the theft or disappearance of property or valuables, these should additionally be reported to the race organizers and the Police.
- Veteran Teams will have every runner aged 40 or over on race day.
- Open teams are open to vets and women, but more than three women makes it mixed team
- Mixed Teams will have a minimum of 4 women
- All runners will be aged 18 years or older on race day.
- The race is open to attached and unattached runners. Attached runners are members of a UK Athletics (UKA) affiliated club or individual members of the Trail Running Association (TRA). Unattached runners must pay an additional entry fee of £2 to meet the terms of race registration and liability cover.
- Each team will have no more than 10 runners, and only one runner per stage.
- Each runner may run over one stage only, for one team only.
- Running with a dog is not permitted
- Each stage will have a cut off time, shown in the Schedule, which will be the maximum time applied to a runner who finishes that stage.
- If a team does not have runner for a stage the Cut off Time plus 15 minutes will apply.
- If a runner starts a stage equipped to race with the intention of finishing but has to drop out then a cut off time will be awarded.
- The route will adhere strictly to the Cotswold Way unless otherwise indicated in the guidelines / website or by the Start Marshal.
- It is the responsibility of each runner to follow the Route, as there are no marshals or additional markers. Organisers take no responsibility for ensuring that the trail is way marked.
- Runners will NOT be disqualified for accidentally deviating from the Route. However, if it is judged that a runner has gained advantage from not following the route a time penalty will be added.
- Runners must pay attention to trespass and invasion of privacy that results from route deviation. Runners are reminded that any prosecution resulting from trespass or other related offence is the sole liability of the runner.
- Runners make road crossings at their own risk and are alone responsible for themselves. Road crossings will largely be un-marshalled. The exceptions are a couple of the major roads, and these will be mentioned at the start of race briefings. Even here marshals have no right to stop traffic and runners must not assume that a marshal will make the crossing completely safe.
- The use of GPS devices is permitted. However runners will find that they are no substitute for knowledge of the route.
- Every competitor is advised to carry a mobile phone for safety reasons.
- Runners should have a self-timing watch as a backup in case of phone failure or another technical glitch.
- A runner who feels unwell on race day or who has a temperature or any of the signs of COVID-19 infection should not compete.
- Runners are recommended to carry a water vessel and judge the amount of fluid carried based on the weather conditions and their own self-knowledge. There will be one water station about halfway and one at the end of each leg. Here vessels can be topped up from larger water containers. Bottles will not be handed out.
- The running number must be pinned in front, where it is clearly visible to the finish timing marshalls. Care must be taken not to obscure the number for example with a hydration vest. Contact details on the back of the race number must be completed.
- Runners are asked to look out for each other. A runner who stops to help another in difficulty will have any lost time restored if they explain to timekeepers.
- Please do not litter the race route.
- Openable gates should NOT be climbed. Any participant opening a gate or running through a gate opened by the runner in front must ensure that it is firmly closed behind them in a stock-proof manner.
- Any damage resulting to fences, gates or styles must be reported to the marshal at the end of the stage. A runner incurring such damage must make best efforts to leave the object stock-proof.
- The Cotswold way is a busy route shared with walkers riders and animals. Runners have no right of way and should be always courteous to other users.
- Every team must supply one person as a voluntary marshal on race day. Marshalling duties will be decided by agreement in the months before the race. An individual might be rostered for car parking. A club with two teams might provide a pair for a busy road crossing. A club with three teams might supply a three-person water station.
- Pre-race declaration opens 45 minutes before the start of each stage and runners should be there in good time as parking walking and declaration all take time.