Socially Distanced Cotswold Way Relay

Social Distance Cotswold way relay update  2 July 2020

There has been a very positive response to this proposal so the event is on!

There has been lots of feedback and this update answers many questions

Latest Gov Covid 19  guidance on the Cotswold Way National trails website is at

The aims of this version of the Cotswold way relay are

  • to enjoy the Cotswold way
  • to support the Cotswold Trail Authority financially
  • Keep up the spirit of local runners clubs and teams competitively and supportively
  • Provide goals for runners now that there is massed start racing events
  • Support everyone fitness and mental health

Race dates: We will accept any runs completed in July 2020  

Donation to Cotswold way maintenance. We are asking everyone taking part to consider a voluntary donation of at least £5 which can be made through this website. Quote CWR relay

Teams make up :Age Over 18  unaccompanied   Age 17 if accompanied

17 year olds are permitted to race up to 25k by the Trail running association. The longest CWR leg is about 20k. We recommend that any 17 year olds male or female who take part should do their leg supervised by a responsible adult 

Open Team:  (anyone 17 and over   ) any gender or age

Mixed Team:  Any age 17 and over  Minimum 4 women for a 10 stage team . Two women for a 5 stage team.  ( this is a changed ratio to previous relays for obvious reasons) 

Women’s Team: All women any aged 17 and over 

VetsTeam :  Men or women but all over 40 on the date of their stage completion

Team Names;  Don’t worry about novelty team names. Honestly It just makes things confusing. I would prefer if the team name ‘does what it says on the tin’  Eg ‘Team Bath vets North B’

Team manager  I don’t mind how many teams someone wants to manage. However don’t take on too much. I am asking each manager to submit final information in august

Numbers of teams: actually there is no practical reason to have a limit

Duplicate legs.  As with previous years one runner one stage. It’s obvious that with this format  there is time for a runner to complete more than one leg on different days. A keen Bean could complete all ten in July. However we are not doing that this time round as it’s not the point.  So don’t submit more than one leg per athlete.

Cut off times.  This will apply as before and can be found along with route information on the web site. A no-runner time ( cut off plus 15 minutes) can be claimed for any incomplete team stages.  Actually I hope that with the possibility of 5 member teams and a month to complete the course this won’t be necessary

Timing. Use Garmin, Suunto, Smart watch or phone Strava (or just be witnessed.) This event relies on an honesty system as I can’t check whether you or someone else was actually wearing the Garmin. For this reason I am asking the team captains to vouch for their runners. I am also happy for a team captain to submit a witnessed time for a runner without the necessary IT. Please use ‘elapsed time’ rather than ‘moving time’ 

However I  could never know, and don’t mind, if you have three attempts and submit your fastest (or the one you didn’t get lost on!) 

Team organisation

My own club has started a CWR WhatsApp group and this seems a useful way to organise

Transport  and Travel We have to do this within England Athletics and Government guidelines. Several Welsh clubs have decided they are not able to travel due to government advice. This could change at any time. Local lock down or regulation could easily impact of this event and we will follow best advice at all times. There are many ways to get to and from legs. People may opt to be dropped off and picked up by family or bubble members. They could choose to get back to a start by bicycle or taxi or even walk. 

Car sharing should be within guidelines.

Registration and indemnity  This is not a mass participation event in the usual sense and so is not registered with the Trail Running Association and has no insurance. It is similar to an individual recce done at race pace.

Social distancing and infection.  Please observe all the usual social distancing recommendations. We recommend you choose an off peak day and time to run and maybe avoid the heat of mid day while you are at it.  Don’t forget to give warning if you approach people at speed from behind and give wide and courteous space in passing. Be aware that gates are sources of hand infection. Use no-touch techniques and consider hand sanitiser. Be wary of other path users who may take longer than usual at gates and stiles

Final information  The team manager should let me know in August:

  • Manager’s Up to date contact details
  • Name of organisation
  • Name of the team (which is a full description of category and status)
  • Stages completed and for each stage 
  • Date of completion 
  • Full name 
  • Gender 
  • Age
  • Time taken (and note if it exceeds cut off time)
  • Any missing stages

I don’t need more personal information about the athlete

I don’t need Strava or route data uploads ( the manager can keep all that)

Kings and queens of the cotswold.  This event will not count towards Kings and Queens in order to keep the logistics simple and to stick with the no entry fee and no prizes ethos

Stay safe, follow guidelines and Keep the communication coming

Tom Hutchison Race director for the CWR committee